Last week, I sat down to compute the character table of $S_5$ for the first time in several years.
My first instinct, following what I learned five years ago, was to use the standard tricks for computing character tables: compute the characters of some easily constructed representations, use the fact that the sum of the squares of the dimensions of the irreducible characters is $|S_5|=120$, and use the orthogonality of the rows and columns of the character table to finish it off.
This, however, is rather tedious for a group as large as $S_5$. But I had recently learned that the irreducible representations of the symmetric group are completely classified, and can be constructed using group actions on standard Young tableaux. Was there a way to use this theory to compute each entry of the character table directly?
Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to record some of the particularly beautiful mathematical ideas I have seen or invented, and share them with you.
The process of doing mathematics is much like a quest to uncover mathematical truths. Sometimes, such a truth may be valid but uninteresting, just another pebble or grain of sand along the beach. But other times, you will uncover a gemstone - a particularly aesthetic, beautiful, or useful truth hiding in the vast sandpiles of information.
This blog is devoted to the gemstones of my mathematical investigations. Enjoy!